Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Raya dan Manusia~


As u all know..
asal nak raye je,,mesti banyak terlintas kat minda(cheh3 ayat~)
xtau laa kan bawah ni betul ke x,,tp 4 me rasanya macam ye~

-BUDAK-BUDAK 1-12tahun..
kalau nak citer sal budak2,,mesti lah sikit2 duit raya..
lain xnak..
duit jee die ingat dulu..
*nenek bg RM10....mak-RM20..abah-RM20..makcik pakcik lain2 bg RM5x4orang..(siap dia dah kira dah)*

-KANAK-KANAK 13-17tahun..
kalau 'kanak-kanak' umur ni pulak,,still fikir duit raya..
tp xse-sure dulu..
xsure dah berape die boleh dapat..
*alaa~ xbanyak dah duit raya..T-T nak gi rumah kawan laa~ (in fact,,smpai sggup gi umah orng xkenal)..pastu bile dapat sampul,,bukak je sampul tu,,ayat ni mesti diutarakan-''laa~ singgit jee??pemurah betul pakcik tu..rumah besar,,kereta 4..haiz~''*

-18tahun ++..
kalau ni lagi laa..
(like me)
baru seminggu puasa dah plan pikir cmne nk dpat duit raya lebih..
kesian o~
duit mesti ramai xnak bagi dah..da besau katenye~
dalam hati mesti terbisik cmni..
*10sen pun belum tentu dapat lagi ni..then,,trus gtau pakcik tu..''pakcik,,saya baru 16 laa..jangan la salahkan saya tinggi saya cmni..''(padahall??~~~)hahahah*

P/S:- blog
sorry~ ^^
chweson hamnida~

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Sape terase,dia laa orgnye~ ^^ (Type yang tidak berapa ku gemar)

Annyeong Hashimnikka~

in this entry,,i want to tell u guys n girls 'bout type of a person that i don't want to give any hell anymore.

-orang yang suka cakap putar belit kalau apa yang dia minta xdapat..
e.g,,sebelum dapat apa yang diminta n kita ada terbuat something yang a bit salah,,seriously a bit(n tu pun atas kebaikan dia gak),,dia akan kata ok ok ok dan ok..
tapi bila xdapat apa yg diminta tu,,amik!dari hal pagi sampai ke malam esok dia ungkit,,"aku xsuka la kau blablabla ni,,kau blablabla tu"
*me:eyh,,tadi masa kau suruh aku tgokkan fb kau tu,,ada orang chat,,then aku jawabkan cmni 'sorry,,im his friend,,he ask me to do something 'bout his acc',,xpe kan??
die:,,o~ okok xpe2..japgi aku datang umah kau taw,,nak tgok bende yg td tu ape die..
tp belum sempat dia datang,,i have to batalkan niat dia tu,,cause that time i puasa ganti,,mesti la nak prepare berbuka..
then,,tell u what,,tetibe dia sent sms cmni,,'urm,,td yg kau rply chat tu,,aku xsuka laa,,xpe laa,,aku nak tukar password'..
me:tlg laa,,kau nk tukar pw ke ape ke,,no need to tell me after what u asked for's like ure not appreciate my help..n it's ur acc,,n not me,,n u r the one who asked for help,,not me'*

-orang yang diri sendiri xtau nak menghargai orang lain tapi kata orang lain xtau berterima kasih(in fact atas benda yang kita xminta pun).
*me:salam,,kau ada bagi number phone aku kat orang ke eak?it's not that aku xbagi,,cuma,,next time tolong inform me first ok..jangan marah lak kalau number kau ade number lain masuk k..
(a few hours later)
die:(dengan salam xjawab)owh~ kirenye kau nak balas dendam la ni?eyh,,cuba kau pikir logik sikit,,aku bagi number kau kat kakak tu sebab nak bagi kau ade kerja,,nak bg kau ade rezeki..trime ksih lgsg xde..mlas aku nk pnjg lebar,,nnti kate aku mengungkit lak..baik aku cari rezeki aku,,lg baik..
me:i don't give damn with ur abusive word n i don't give damn to u ok..aku xsuruh pun kau carikan aku kerja..n aku xkacau pun kau nk cari rezeki,,pergi la cari sana k..hahahahah terima kasih langsung xde??klakar bile org yg xreti appreciate org lain,,suruh kite trima ksih kat die..sangat2 klaka..hahahaha (menyindir ler sikit biar dia tau dia xlah besar sangat)..^^*

-orang yang bila kite keluar dengan orang lain xbagitau die,,dia marah,,tapi dia kluar ngan kwan lain xgitau kita,,xpe lak..
*one day i asked my BFF datang rumah..xajak dia cause xtau dia cuti kerja,,so xla panggil sekali..then dia tau my BFF tu kat rumah i,,dia marah2..siap sent sms cmni,,'aku ingat sampai mati apa yang korang buat kat aku ni'..n i rplied die,,'HAHAHA,,msg kau yang 'aku ingat sampai mati apa yang korang buat kat aku ni' tu kan,,tell u what,,ingat laa,,aku xkisah pun,,cz i know the situation better than u..'
sebab datang rumah tau..(kalau kita nak gi rumah dia pun,,kind like banyak syarat)..
tp recently,,BFF lg sorang yg baru blik NS,,pun dtg rumah i hari tu,,dia kata,,dia nampak that person kluar ngan kwan kiteorang (yg dr spm kitorang xdpat jumpe) kat satu shopping mall ni..
that time mase dengar i was like,,ok(muka xkisah),,tp dlam hati,,'klakar giler..kite xajak die,,die marah,,tp die??'

-orang yang ibarat "kuman diseberang laut nampak,,gajah disebelah xnampak"..
(terror btul org mcm tu..fokus mata dia kan kat bende2 halus dan tak besar~)
salah kita,,cepat jee die nampak,,salah die,,da boleh bukak dobi,,boleh sidai,,iron,,lipat,,gantung dah,,tp die xnampak..
"suka" org mcm tu~
i "suka" sangatt laahhh!~
rase klau jumpe,,nak ajak je die makan pizza(tp die la jd topping pizza tu)

P/S:- kalau anda rasa anda sepeti atas atas atas atas ni,,then,,mianeiyo,,maybe i will not layan u dari segi apa pun..segi tiga,,segi empat,,segi muka buku??xkan lagi kot~ ^^
(actually ada lagi,,tapi dah lupa~ hahahah)
and and and yg pling penting..
kalau orang yang dimaksudkan tu terbaca,,BAIK JANGAN COMMENT PAPE..NANTI MALU LAK CZ DAH "TERANG LAGI BERSULUH" yang dimaksudkan tu awak~

Sekian Terima Kasih~
(kan si 'die' da tgur,,terima kasih pun xde..HAHAHAHAH)


semua orang pun mesti dah tau kan yang Super Junior hyung dah buat comeback album?
sape xtau tu sah laa peminat max,,vip,,gula2,,etc jee,,xminat BEAST n all that..
jangan terase keh~

urm,,bila dengar lagu Mr.Simple(antara lagu yg ada dalam album tu),,perghh!~
GILA AWESOME lagu tu..
n dance steps memang C.A.T.C.H.Y~
nak tiru je setiap kali tengok mv Mr.Simple..
awesome ah~

those yang xtengok lagi tu,,tengok2 kan lah ye~
xrugi cz xperlu buat akaun untung rugi pun~

P/S:- saje2 jee nak try entry berbackground~hahahhahaha.

Monday, 15 August 2011

i don't want to be 18++.

Annyeong Hashimnikka~

semalam hari jadi i..
tapi kan,,orang lain semua happy kalau sambut birthday..
but not to me..

ade org gitau i yang 18 is not too old..
still okok lagi..
tapi kan,,pernah x terfikir..
18 permulaan jadi tua?

mana x nye..

-Cerita berunsur SX,,SG etc,,semuanya bertanda 18SX/etc..
-Nak masuk pub (bukan i laa) kena 18 tahun..
-Nak beli rokok(bukan i lagi,,i xsmoking k..A.S.T.H.M.A~ haha) pun kena 18 kan??*tapi sekarang 8tahun pun da boleh dah..pelik2*

dah,,macam mana laa 18 xtua??

  xadil kan??

Monday, 8 August 2011

Fun Fact~

Annyeong Hashimnikka~

Nape title ni fun fact??
sebab,,fact ni xdiiktiraf oleh pihak yang berkenaan pun~
just saje2 jee..

the fun fact that i want to tell u guys is,,
cmni cite die..
hari tu gi beli barang nak buat kuih raya..
then naik taxi cz nae appa was not here..
then tetibe pakcik taxi tu cakap cmni..
"hhahaha semua memecut kalau lampu kuning,,patutnya lampu kuning untuk standby berhenti"
then tetibe dapat laa idea ddari pakcik tu..hehe
kamsa ahjussi~
Kenapa pemandu dan penunggang kenderaan mempercepatkan kenderaan mereka ketika lampu kuning?
Dan siapa harus dipersalahkan?
perasan x??

-sebab ahjussi,,ahjumma,nuna,hyung,,semua la melajukan kenderaan mereka,,ialah,,
kalau korang perasan,,kat lane korang lampu hijau da nak merah,,da kelip2 bagai kunang2 riang di malam hari..(da melalut lak)
then,,korang kene laa stop..
pastu xterperanjat ke korang bila lampu untuk tunggu tu 90-120saat??
menyirap giler ah kann??
3,,2,,1,,lampu pun hijau balik..
yang xpuas hati nye lg,,korang tunggu da la kat belakang2,,pastu tunggu lame giler,,pastu three(eyh2)..then bila hijau macam ape jee..

lepas x korang dr traffic light tu??
slalu mcm tu seh..
sape yg harus dipersalahkan eak??
bukan2,,kerajaan xberdosa pun..
they da bg lampu tu da baik..nak salahkan they lak..

haiz~ xsedar diri laa klau cmtu..
yg patut kene tuduh,,tu haa..
lampu tu..
babo betul dok biaq org tggu lame,,jalan kejap..
mentang2 kau anak angkat polis traffic..
suke2 kau jee nak kenekan org..
(adoi~ emo lak)


natijahnya,,pikir laa sendiri..

p/s:- ye~ memang blog ni tah pape..sape suruh hang bace??

                                                             cmne laa nk jlan ni??hahhaha

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Err~ Have u ever been in this situations before??

Annyeong Hashimnikka~

Pernah tak anda anda dan perabot jati ANDA terlihat,,ternampak,,terbabit dalam keadaan macam ni??

1.Keep updating fb's status (every seconds)..
-'im now with my special..'(02.23p.m)
-'wow!she grab my hand!(happy2!!)..'(02.30p.m)
-'we're heading to the restaurant..'(02.35p.m)
-'ouhh~ her wallet fall on the floor..poor's ok dear,,i'll take it for u..'(02.39p.m)
-'we continue walking..1step..2steps..3steps..blablabla steps..'(02.42p.m)
-'we are now arrive at the restaurant..(hungry~)'(02.56p.m)
-'i asked her what she want to eat..she let me choose it for so sweet~~'(03.01p.m)
-'sorry..but she won't let me use my phone when eating..she's so sweet~ isn't she?^_^'(04.00p.m)
-'we're going back..T__T i'll miss her~ TT__TT'(04.24p.m)
-'ok..byee~ i want to text with her..'(04.31p.m)
                                           WTH??why don't they just make their on show for this??

2.Keep logging in fb's account n logging it out back..
-'oh man!he's on the line..*logout*'(09.00a.m)
-'*login* oh sheet~ it's her.. *logout*'(10.01a.m)
-'*login again,,again n again..* it's her..*logout*'s him..*logout*'s her n him n her/him..*logout AGAIN*'(11.00a.m-10.00p.m)
      Geez~ tell u what,,just block the person or BLOCK YOURSELF FROM USING FACEBOOK~ ok??

3.Keep using abusive's words/something that kinda 'new-to-us' words like derr,,etc..(to anyone)
-'hey are u today?'(to Raju-friend)
-'(in malay)b**i ah kau s**l!.aku jumpa kau nanti,,siap ah kau 'derr'..tunggu nasib kau eyh l*****t..'(to Mail-friend)
-'deh macha..why u didn't approve my friend request la??'(to Chong-stranger)
    OMO..can't u just swallow that words??or just say it in front of the mirror?so that it can turn back to u..

Okay..since i already forgot what's more to type,,i just end it here..

Friday, 8 July 2011


Annyeong hashimnikka~

smlam saya pergi tgok wyang ngan family..
ingatkan nak tgok laddaland,,tp adik kecik ikut jugak~
so tgok la citer *based on the title* 2..

smlam ada cerita Mr.Poppers bla3..
sekali lagi,,kl gangster..(sorry,,klau pergi tgok sndri pun mmg xkan tgok cite melayu..nnti kluar tv jugak)
n lain2 lg..hehe
then tgok3,,Transformers pkul 9.30p.m.

mula2 tu,,mase tgok board 2,,dlm hati berkata2 bgai burung kakak tua yang memanggil tuan yang di-admire-ing dengan panggilan sayu..haha
'janganlah Transformers,,janganlah Transformers..pls~'
Transformers jugak~
kecewa Spatula bgai terhempas ke lantai semasa hendak membuat cupcakes..

xnak tgok Transformers sbb xsuke actions movies..

tp bile da tgok,,
giler best!
n ade part yang agak touching sikit..
*kalau pergi sorang mesti da nangis~*

natijahnya,memang freaking awesome la cite 2..

Thumbs Up!!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fashion Designer~

Annyeong Hashimnikka~

Base on the title..
i love to be one of the best fashion designer..
antaranya ialah,,

Vera Wang..

she memang pandai create dress..
especially weddings'..

Jimmy Choo..

he started to kembangkan nama beliau di luar negara..
n sekarang baru nak start kembangkan kat malaysia..

Seth Aaron..

well,,literally he hanyalah pemenang Project Runway season 7..
tp,,he's one of my idol cz beliau tersangatlah Gothic+Punk! ^^

Jovian Mandagie..

kalau malaysia,,i will choose him!!

Rizman Ruzaini..

mereka contoh yg baik cz untk mnjadi seorg yg berjaya,,xperlu nak belajar tinggi2 sampai awan..
uitm pun da cukup..^^


beliau best tp terlalu kearah traditional..
a bit boring 4 still my favourite..^^

last but not least,,xlengkap seorang fd klau xde model yg dijadikan contoh..
4 me,,i will choose Lady Gaga..

i have a few collections..
tp yg ni(dsgns dibawah),,ialah designs yg i xbrape puas hati..
(xpuas hati dngn dsgns sndri..hahahah)
yg cntik xmao tunjuk..

Monday, 4 July 2011


Annyeong Hashimnikka~

one of my friend sakit,,tp skrg bru i taw..
(bile die da sihat~)
kenapa dia xgtaw i eak?
well,,maybe im nobody to her..
(nangis esak2..)
tp xpe laa..
bgus gak xtaw..
klau taw nnti kene pergi visits die..
xsuke pergi hospital!~
nnti jumpe nenek2,,datuk2,,makcik pakcik yg xde org nk visit mereka,,sedih hati ni..
pergi hospital pun semata pump asthma gas jee..
urm,,to Nura Sharin,,mianhae chingu~
hang xgtaw hang sakit,,mana ku nak taw naa..
Get Well Soon anyway~

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Korean Wave~


well,,semua orang taw sekarang musim kpop..
anything we do mesti ada kaitan dngan kpop..
(except for those yg a bit old-minded)
nae omma,,appa,,nuna,,namdonsaeng,,n sachon pun tengok n layan kpop..
i just fall in love with one korean radio frequency channel(urr,,betul ke susunan perkataan ni eak??hahah)
it's call Cast.CC
memang best~
mcm non-stop jee~
(mcm je dulu cz xtaw lg jap2 lg ade iklan ke x..heheh)
lagu diorang mainkan pun,,fuhh~
so refreshing~
super awesome lah!!
sblum try Cast.CC td try KBS World Radio,,tp channel 2 mcm potpetpotpet..
(apekah??siap nk letak - kan??hahahah)

p/s:- sorry~ tp xphm nape they xleyh trime kpop songs.. -.-??

*has been edited at 02.10a.m n it is non-stop playing musics..*
Cast.CC saranghamnida!!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Untrue Love Story~ ^_^

This time I feel like want to make a story ‘bout love..
First of all,,im sorry if my English are messy n not a proper English..
Okay,,let the story begin~~

Anne have been crushed to a guy named Lewis but she feel shy to express her feeling toward him..
However,,she's head over heels with Lewis..
Instead from taking a risk by go-to-Lewis-and-tell-him-i-love-u,,Anne takes the other ways by staring at him secretly,,get his phone number n calls him and hang up the call..
Sometimes she did want to mms him a picture like this..

But she don’t have the courage to do that..

One day,,Lewis come near to Anne n ask her to hang together to study a lessons n do assignments that their lecturer gave that morning since they are in the same class n Anne is one of the smartest student in their class..
Anne,,without thinking twice,,she gave a “YES” answer..(in proper n covering her excitement way)

During the study-group (literally there’s no no else besides them),,Lewis,,with his eyes staring on his laptop n fingers typing words words n words,,he suddenly asks Anne,,”is *phone numbers* is ur digits??
Anne startled with the question,,and try to keep silence,,pretend not to hear a word that Lewis said..
For the second time,,Lewis asks her..
Now,,she have to answer it..
“ sorry if it’s bothering u”,Anne answered n packing her things to get going..
But,,Lewis stop her n,,”No,,u are not bothering fact,,im happy with that”,he said to Anne..
Again,,Anne is startled..”What are u trying to means?”,said Anne..
Lewis then answers,,“I saw u always staring at me n when I look at u,,u will face other u like me?”
Anne:”Urr~”,she’s speechless..
Lewis:”No worry,,just tell me”.
Anne:”Urrrrr~”,(this time it’s a bit longer).
Lewis:”It’s okay,,don’t be shy..urm,,will u answer me if I tell u,,im in love with u??”.
Anne look at Lewis’ face n give a ‘do-u-really-mean-it?’ face to him.
Lewis as if knows what is the face’s meaning straight away tell her,,”Yes,,since the first day u moved in here..i did want to tell u,,but I was afraid if u will not accepting me since they call me a womanizer..i am not a womanizer!”.
He continues..”Seriously not a womanizer!they are the one who came to me,,n I don’t want to hurt their feelings by asking her to not to disturb me again..but I did tell them that im in love with someone,,my heart has been stolen by someone..when they asked,,I said it’s u who stole my heart..”
Anne feels so happy to hear that n answer Lewis’ question..
“Yes..i started to like u since u save me from fel down on the floor that day”.
“And I do want to tell u too,,but as a girl I should act like i??”,both of them laugh together n Anne tell Lewis something that kind of funny thing..
“U know what?i used to type a messages to tell u that u are my dream guy,,I like u,,I love u,,I really want to see u,,but ,I don’t have the courage to sent it to u,,so I delete them..”she smiles..
Lewis:”Urr,,it’s okay for a girl to do that,,but do u want to know ‘bout me too??i also used to dialed ur number n before it’s ringing,,I straight away hang up the phone..”,again,,they both laugh n suddenly Lewis asked Anne,,
“Well,,are we now a couple?huhu”..
“Urm..i guess so hoonnneeeyyyyy~~”,,Anne said..
“What?u just called me with honey?i love u dear”,said Lewis..
They then packing up all their things n get going from there together while holding each other’s hand..

p/s:- mianhae if the story is quite blurry..

                I wish my love story will begin like this..heheh J

Thursday, 2 June 2011



there's nothing more for me to say 'bout this song..
it's super awesome!!

i pun xsure my feeling bila dengar lagu or tengok mv lagu ni..
sometimes rasa nak nangis cz sedih betul mv die..
sometimes rasa bangga cz B2ST berjaya menghasilkan lagu-lagu yang gila awesome!
lagu2 B2ST memang daebak laa!~
love it!!

Rainy Days pun best sangat..

Yo Seob hyung kyopta and jjang!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

Wednesday, 1 June 2011



i have something to share with u guys and girls..
if you all can notice,,
(masuk melayu plak lah..haha)
klau anda anda anda dan anda perasan,,
klau ade hyung2(abang2) or nuna2(kakak2) yg kyopta(cute) lalu depan mata dngan kwan2 diorang..
mesti akan perasan satu perangai atau tabiat atau fiil(cheh,,fiil gitu!) yang xdapat dipisahkan dari diri mereka..
nak taw x??
teka lah..
klau btul rm10 k..
xyah ler,,da nk gtaw pun nie..

urm,,diorang selalu klau mcm kawan mereka(sekejap dorang,,sekejap mereka..haiz~) tersepak,,tersandung atau jong2 inai mak ipung raja wali..sepak tunggul inai berdarah ibu kaki(contohnye^^),,mereka mesti akan menggunakan beberapa ayat seperti siak(i perbaikkan ayat 2 yang berakhir dngan l),,piggy(i perbaikkan dngan translate kan ke eng),,dan yang sama angkatan dengannye~ ^^
mesti berlaku benda ni,,(segelintir je TIDAK)..walaupun muke se-handsome 
dan se-beauty 
mesti ada sesaat,,sedetik lebih(anuar zain) mereka berkelakuan begitu..
ye tidak??

kesian(sekian laa maksudnye 2)~
terima kasih..
gomaweo~ ^__^

Monday, 30 May 2011



                                                     saje je besarkan untuk mereka~ ^__^

xsangke laa artis malaysia ni berbudi bahasa sangat2..
ada ke patut,,seorang yang hanya popular disebabkan undian yang rm0.50/vote 2 boleh mengata artis LUAR NEGARA yang TAHAP ANTARABANGSA yang berusaha atas usaha2 mereka dan tidak semata2 kerana undian~
berani sungguh artis yang "tinggi lampai" ini ye??
seorang lagi pulak..
datangnya dari band yang "popular giler" name bandnya seakan2 permata..
(tetapi disebabkan dia,,permata/crystal da jd kaca secara tibe2)
kerana penyataan(ke kenyataan eak??) die bersifat "tinggi budi bahasa" dengan mengetweetkan hendak kencing diatas muke SUJU M..
besar sangat ke name band awak 2 nak buat mcm 2??
(ketawa terbahak2 hingge kluar airmata sebantar~)
lg sorang hamba Allah S.W.T ni,,lg bgus~
sbb da pergi Makkah dah~
die nye tweet ttg kpoppers~ hmmhh2~
teramatlah menunjukkan bahasa jiwa bangsa~
sanggup menggelarkan kpoppers sbg makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang diharamkan untuk umat Islam pegang..
iaitu doggy..
dulunye die mengatekan bahawa sudah meninggalkan dunie "tidak sejati" "beliau"..
tp dlm tweet~
2 bkan dunie "tidak sejati" ke 2??
for his information,,i respect semua kaum xsejati kat luar sana..
tp tah kenapa,,die sorang je yang tergelincir dr list respect i tersebut..
kat luar sane smua pndai jage bahasa and pandai buat kawan,,n pndai jge ati org..
tp die sorang je~
"lagi pandai" dlm semua hal yg dsbutkan td 2 laa..

p/s:-klau nk bang kami yg dah bang orang2 diatas ni dulu..pikir2kan lah apa yang telah mereka "perkatakan"(ye laa dorang x kate,,dorang tweet..lg truk,,cz kate2 leyh ilang klau seseorang tweet xleyh o~) terhadap kami(kpoppers) yee~

Friday, 27 May 2011



i just quit from the warehouse work..
no thanx~
my colleague is so double standard/two-faces~
sorry not colleague,,but colleagueS!.
as what as i told Adawiyah(one of the best chingu sampai mati ah!!^^)
those who are my "colleagueS"(means not laaa~ coz " " is tipu2 punya laa)
okay! continue~
that kind of person,,when they meet us eye2eye,,face2face,,face2book..eyh,,i'm going ridiculous d..huhu
those person,,will give us a sweet smile..
madu pun kalah lah bak kata orang pendek!!!
but,,at our back,,they will give the opposite emoticons(hahaha emotions or emo+gothic laa senang)
in fact!!they will talk bad/back 'bout us..
like just now~
so what??
want to know??
urm,,i don't think so~\

too many hurai-juraian~

im not a workaholic,,neither holic or horlicks drink water~
i am just a person~
a great person~
kidding saja maa~
jangan marah laa~
jangan laa nak kata "hoh??u a great person??"
i gurau saja ler~
see,,i went to seoul d..(menyimpang jauh..klau dkat,,teddy bear mountain jee)
the point is:-
a DAYDREAMER-HOLIC!!!(strong berangan laa tu~)
so,,working is so bloody gary exhausting!!
and if i have my own boutique,,i will never hires a worker that is soooo like parking sheet bad/back-talker~

p/s:dah merapu dah blog nie!~

Friday, 6 May 2011

What I Like??

Adah The Freak ♥

1st of all,,mesti korang a bit confuse 'bout this post title and the "starter"~
fyi,,i don't like her..never..
no laa,,as a friend only laa..(bahase pasar melaka sentral~)
urm,,actually nak gtaw jee,,adah nuna nie orgnye baik..
(puji nie,,next week bg kfc k adah nuna..hahaha)
back to the future!!(*point ^^)
adah nuna baik sngt,,xkedekut ilmu ngan org..
i asked her to deco my blog,,well,,yg skrg nie,,die nye hand-made lerr..
see~ xkedekut kan die??
(tapi die mntak upah..mhal!!hahaha)
tapi xpe,,cz bak kate infinite..nothing's over~
(eh..pehal lak nothing's over..haha)
urm,,nothing's free in this world kan??
ananan??(totemodaisuki~ doraemon~ haha tetibe~)
urm,,kamsa nuna!!~

back to the post title..
What I Like??
if u ask me that question,,
i will ask u these questions 1st..
"u suke Erul ke??"
"ade x u sakit hati ngan die spt mne org2 "beriman" kat channel 109/channel @15 kutuk die??"
(ade ke diorang kate cmnie,,
"alaa,,setakat pkai glove koyak 2,,da kira kpop laa??"

i was like,,wtheck is wrong with u??
and diorang kutuk konon Erul kate "hanyesayo"..
dari dorang,,sarang pun xtaw..
(sarang burung tempura jee dorang taw..kesian~ haha)

jauh btul menyimpang..
sbnarnye,,Erul ade bersangkut-hanger ngan tjuk saye ye..
i like,,well not only like but i LOVE KPOP!!
so fogging(nk type yg tu karang kene bang!!) darn much!!
KPOP 내 열정입니다!

sbab KPOP lg gempak dri hujan..
korang suke hujan??
well,,i suke RAIN~
korang suke black??
i suke MBLAQ..
korang suke permaisuri(xkenal pun sape,,tp my mum kate band untk rock)
i suke T-ARA..
permaisuri pkai tiara tp 'permaisuri x se-best T-ARA..
ye x??
tp i love Yo Seob the most!!!!

group KPOP mmg giler gempak!!
here are some of the KPOP's groups..

and here are some of my latest fav songs list..

Here I Am-ZE:A..
Nothing's Over-Infinite..
Paparazzi-Kan Mi Youn..
Oh! Ah!-Kim Hyung Jun..
(bnyak giler~ tp lupe sikit title die..haha)

KPOP's style??
say no more!!
mmg gile awesome!!

Nak kate ape lagi..
KPOP mmg the best!~
even my omma gune lagu Winter Sonata ost untuk msg~
xyah ckap lerr..
bnyak giler!!hahaha
(berdosa sebentar..sbb bangge..^^)

mianhae kalau ade terase hati..
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